Loosely conceived as a cyberpunk style setting quite a few years ago, much of my art centers on the imagined population of this imagined location. One day I may get around to deeper world building in terms of the location, but for now I’m happy creating this loose collection of characters that might populate such a setting.
The Relay - Under the right conditions certain data wranglers have perfected high speed transfers that are totally untraceable, albeit just a little creepy.
The Playback "The human brain is one of the most complex computing devices ever conceived. We've just found how to harness it in new ways."
The Marked “Characteristics potentially unbecoming of a citizen they say. Need to keep track of such things they say. Well there are ways around every system. You just have to know who to talk to.”
The Damaged "Synthetic skin is expensive you know. Not everyone can afford the repairs."
The Socialite “Actually, it was my mothers money. Not that you’ll make me ashamed of that in any way.”
The Mechanic “Trust me, she’ll see you good. Nothing made of metal and circuit she can’t wrestle back into shape. Picky though, so shut up and let me do the talking.”
The Vigilance "Sorry, is it disturbing you that my jacket is watching you? On streets like these the eyes having my back provide some peace of mind. Best enchantment I ever paid some blood for."
The Sirens "Seriously, you need to hear them. The recordings don't do it justice, no matter the fidelity. They use the latest neural amps in the venue. I tell you man, it's like they are in your brain!"
The Matchmaker "You'll be fine, trust me. There are roughly a million eligible matches out there. My fee ensures that you find one that won't just be out for your data."
The Courier "Listen, I can't be late, so I'll have to take a rain check. If the corp sees another late fee on my record my license will be a thing of the past."
The Connection "She knows everyone, all strata. She isn't cheap, but also has a heart. If she buys the story you're selling she might even waive the fee. Might. No promises."
The Reader "They know the data flows better than anyone. Open capture systems have nothing on them. If it digitally flows they can find it. Brain fusion datalinks are outlawed now, but they were around before. Grandfathered. So all legit and above board."
The Eye 'Don't be fooled into thinking it's just an urban myth, a name, he really does see everything. Best broker in the city. Of course his fee reflects that."
The Heart. "They say the machines don't feel. Can't love. Bullshit I say. It's all just code. In our brains or theirs. If it feels real who am I to say it's not real?"
The Priestess "I'd stay away from the believers if I were you. Data as a religion never sat right with me. A god in the code? Nonsense if you ask me. These people believe though. Hardcore. Be careful before you step into that minefield."